PDF,JPG,JPEG,PNG,MOV,MP4 of maximum 10MB
Any type of file
Different uses
Very simple and fast. Just upload your file and the downloadable QR code in PNG will be generated.
Whether it is an image, video, pdf or Word file, you can upload it and you will get your own link and a searchable QR code.
You can use your QR code whenever you want!!!
Create your QR code for free and instantly
Drag or select the file you would like to get your QR code from your computer to our tool. We support any format: jpg, png, word, pdf, excel, gif, video, vcard...
Our tool processes your file. Be patient, if it is a large file it will take longer to create.
We will notify you that we are processing your file and that your QR is generated. For this we will need your email address so that we can send you
Once you receive the email, you will automatically receive the QR code in your inbox.
Create your QR code for free and instantly
Create your QR code for free and instantly
Most popular
If you want to use our services for free, this plan is ideal for you.
If you want to have several languages on your menu, avoid annoying advertising for your customers, this is your plan.